TKC 620 Learning from My Grandsons

Ryan and Jake learning Beach Buggy 2 in the Tesla Interview starts at 50:01 and ends at 45:04 Links “Amazon plans summer sale for June 22 to ‘jumpstart sales’ after coronavirus crunchâ€� by Annie Palmer at CNBC – June 2, 2020 “Amazon introduces ‘Distance Assistant’â€� by Brad Porter at Day One blog – June 16, 2020 LEGO NINJAGO Ninja Tuner Car kit (419 pieces) – $32 at Wonder Workshop Dash robot for Kids 6+ ($150 at Diary of a Wombat by Jackie French Pete the Cat: Snow Daze by James Dean Radio Garden Mop Rides the Waves of Life: A Story of Mindfulness and Surfing by Jaimal Yogis and Matt Allen – …
(c) The Kindle Chronicles – Read entire story here.

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