The Kindle Blog Report: Website review: Mr. Sparky of Seattle

The Kindle Blog Report: Website review: Mr. Sparky of Seattle

Website review: Mr. Sparky of Seattle

Company name: Mister Sparky
Business: West Seattle electrician

This is a nice website – very much an electrician’s website, with bright yellow and red colors. Has a slider going across the top offering their on-time guarantee; their promise to be clean, friendly and courteous; and the assurance that they take the qualities of applicants seriously – not everyone off the street is hired to be one of their electricians.

The nav bar across the top is simple to use: About Us, Services, Products, Guarantee, Blog, Appointment, and Contact Us.

Perhaps I’m an old fuddy duddy, but I don’t like drop down menus that don’t drop down ALL the menus. For example, if you click on the About button you get a drop down for Testimonials. Well, newbies to the net (and even oldies like me) might not realize that the About Us button, clicked on its own, takes people to the About us page.  All sites that I’ve visited do this – if there’s a drop down the top button isn’t listed – annoying.

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