Author: willd

The Little Button with the K on It

The Little Button with the K on It

See that little button at the top of this post with the “k” on it? If you click it, you will be given the opportunity to send the post in its entirety to your Kindle reading device. First, you’ll have to log in to an account with a Kindle reading device associated with it. Next, pick the device in that account you want to send to, and then press the send button when the image of the post comes up. It’s that simple. Next question, where will my article or post appear on the Kindle. On my original Kindle Fire, I kept looking …

Five Reasons I Put Pulse on My Kindle Fire

Five Reasons I Put Pulse on My Kindle Fire

I mean, there are more than five reasons, and frankly I put that in the headline because the pundits say it makes more people read the post, like the numerical approach scratches some itch we have in the reptilian brain or something. In any case, I should say “at least five,” because this nifty little news app is kind of addicting. In case you haven’t heard of Pulse, you can get caught up at Wikipedia by clicking here. Now I have used Pulse for a while, and it has many, many competitors. It is kind of like Flipboard and kind of like Zite (which has been my self-curating news app of choice for a while), but somehow…

The Growing World of Worldreader, Part 2

The Growing World of Worldreader, Part 2

As a follow up to our chat a few weeks back, Worldreader CEO David Risher was kind enough to answer a few more questions for me. First, I wondered how the money from the Bezos grant would be used? Our goal this year is to move from 10,000 kids with access to e-readers to over 50,000.  Jeff’s grant is a big part of that– it helps us get more books from publishers, train teachers and students, ship the e-readers– we’re even using it to help develop a solar case that kids can use to keep their e…