eReading in the UK: big new National Literacy Trust survey

New research from the UK’s National Literacy Trust. They surveyed 34,910 young people aged eight to 16, and found… * 39{d4437cd6d307ed9534e797be84e4820aa16c2e197e83fd1e65fe6e8fb55e5ac2} of young people read daily using electronic devices including tablets and eReaders. * Nearly all young people have access to a computer at home, and 4 out of 10 now own a tablet or a smartphone. * 3 in 10 young people do not have a desk of their own. * Screen reading is not always pleasant for long-form reading. Those who read only on-screen are three times less likely to “enjoy reading very much”.
(c) KINDLE BLOG – Read entire story here.

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