Tagged: in the news

eReading in the UK: big new National Literacy Trust survey

New research from the UK’s National Literacy Trust. They surveyed 34,910 young people aged eight to 16, and found… * 39{d4437cd6d307ed9534e797be84e4820aa16c2e197e83fd1e65fe6e8fb55e5ac2} of young people read daily using electronic devices including tablets and eReaders. * Nearly all young people have access to a computer at home, and 4 out of 10 now own a tablet or a smartphone. * 3 in 10 young people do not have a desk of their own. * Screen reading is not always pleasant for long-form reading. Those who read only on-screen are three times less likely to “enjoy reading very much”.

Kindle Worlds – official fan-fiction platform

Kindle Worlds has been announced. It’s a special fan-fiction corral, in which fans can publish and profit from works under official licenses. Currently it’s limited to Warner Bros. Alloy Entertainment’s girl titles. But more are promised in the future.