TKC 250 Vivienne Roumani

Director of “Out of Print” Interview Starts at 16:37 He [Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos] wanted to give me a half an hour–he gave me 45 minutes. And it was really an amazing interview. He was very bright, very warm, very gracious, and you got the sense that he really wanted to do good. That’s the sense you got–of course, still being a brilliant businessman, and those are not mutually exclusive. Show Notes and Links: Intro Belmont Hill School News “Amazon is Going to Buy Liquavista” by Nate Hoffelder – January 21, 2013 “Confirmed: Amazon Bought Liquavista — Color Kindle to Follow?” by Nate Hoffelder – May 13, 2013 The…
(c) The Kindle Chronicles – Read entire story here.

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