View Alexa Skills on Kindle Fire 7 Pro Tips

Kindle Fire 7 is, as we have indicated elsewhere, a pretty awesome machine! And when you pair it with your Amazon Echo Dot you get a system of skills and functions that neither device can offer by itself. I notice that when I have my Kindle Fire 7 handy, anything I ask Alexa to do lights up my Fire and gets recorded on the Alexa activity timeline. That’s cool because I can always go back and see what Alexa told me in response to my question. But what about my Alexa Skills?

Your Skills page on Kindle Fire 7

I can never seem to remember what skills I have added to my Alexa portfolio and what the prompt words are. So here is how to check on your Kindle Fire 7 (yep, still $29 here). First, open the Alexa app on your tablet. Next, open the Alexa app menu by tapping the three lines in the upper left corner of the screen. In the menu, find “Skills” and tap that. Now you are almost there!

The Skills page is essentially the store for skills. To find your skills, look at the top of the screen to the right. Bingo–“Your Skills.” Tap that and off you go.

To the right is the page showing my skills, including all the Santa skills I tested for my post on the best Santa skills. If you have a lot of skiils to sort through, use the search box at the top to find the one you want.

Remember, for a lot of questions on topics like the weather and movies, you don’t need a special installed skill. And this Christmas, you can just say “Alexa, play the Nutcracker” without installing anything and you will hear Tchaikovsky’s holiday masterpiece through your Dot, your Echo, or your connected speakers. Enjoy!

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